

Surgery is the primary treatment of choice in many early-stage cancers. Removal of tumor by surgery is a fast and the most effective way to eradicate the disease. Our surgical oncologists are highly experienced and trained for difficult cancer surgeries. They play a vital role in every sphere of cancer care; from diagnosing, staging, treatment, following up, and supportive care.

To start treatment, our surgeons access the tumor directly by FNAC or perform needle biopsy under image guidance for tissue diagnosis. This gives biological knowledge and correct staging of the disease. Complete staging helps to plan further treatment and forecast expected outcomes and the overall result of treatment. A better understanding of tumor biology and revolutionary developments in radiation oncology and medical oncology have enabled a shift from radical surgery to lesser radical surgery with an emphasis on preserving organs, their good functioning, and post-operative morbidity. Our nutritionists, physiotherapists, and clinicians work together to support healing and improve quality of life.

Types of Surgery Used in Cancer Treatment at Jeevan Jyoti Hospital

Several types of surgery are helpful to people with cancer. Some surgeries are used in combination with other types of treatment. Types of surgeries include:

Curative surgery

Curative surgery removes the cancerous tumor or growth from the body. It is done when the cancerous tumor is localized to a specific area of the body. This type of treatment is often considered the primary treatment. However, other types of cancer treatments, such as radiation, may be used before or after the surgery.

Preventive surgery

Preventive surgery is used to remove tissue that does not contain cancerous cells, but may develop into a malignant tumor. For example, polyps in the colon may be considered precancerous tissue and preventative surgery may be performed to remove them.

Diagnostic surgery

Diagnostic surgery helps to determine whether cells are cancerous. Diagnostic surgery is used to remove a tissue sample for testing and evaluation (in a laboratory by a pathologist). The tissue samples help to confirm a diagnosis, identify the type of cancer, or determine the stage of the cancer.

Staging surgery

Staging surgery works to uncover the extent of cancer, or the extent of the disease in the body. Laparoscopy (a viewing tube with a lens or camera is inserted through a small incision to examine the inside of the body and to remove tissue samples) is an example of a surgical staging procedure.

Debulking surgery

Debulking surgery removes a portion, though not all, of a cancerous tumor. It is used in certain situations when removing an entire tumor may cause damage to an organ or the body. Other types of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiation, may be used after debulking surgery is performed.

Palliative surgery

Palliative surgery is used to treat cancer at advanced stages. It does not work to cure cancer, but to relieve discomfort or to correct other problems cancer or cancer treatment may have created.

Supportive surgery

Supportive surgery is similar to palliative surgery because it does not work to cure cancer. Instead, it helps other cancer treatments work effectively. An example of supportive surgery is the insertion of a catheter to help with chemotherapy.

Restorative surgery

Restorative surgery is sometimes used as a follow-up to curative or other surgeries to change or restore a person’s appearance or the function of a body part. For example, women with breast cancer sometimes need breast reconstruction surgery to restore the physical shape of the affected breast(s). Curative surgery for oral cancer can cause a change in the shape and appearance of a person’s mouth. Restorative surgery may be performed to address these effects.

Surgical oncology can help people during the early stages of cancer or when the condition is more advanced.

Surgery operates by zero-order kinetics, in which 100% of excised cells are killed. In contrast, chemotherapy and radiation therapy operate by first-order kinetics, and only a fraction of tumor cells are killed by each treatment. These zero- and first-order processes are complementary. Surgical resection reduces the tumor burden, which hopefully increases the efficacy of nonsurgical adjuvant therapies intended to eliminate microscopic residual disease, thereby decreasing the risk of recurrence.

Types of Cancer Treated

Surgery is an effective treatment choice for many types if you have cancer cells in your:

  • Breast, Esophagus, Throat, Thyroid, Lung, Gallbladder, Kidney, Liver
  • Pancreas, Spine, Uterus, Bones, Colon
Services Offered

Gynecological Oncology Services

Gynecological Oncology at Jeevan Jyoti Hospital, surgical experts who have an integrated approach to Gynecological cancers and also for complex benign Gynecological diseases. From conventional surgeries to surgeries using state-of-the-art technologies, surgeons here are equipped with everything needed for the surgical management of Gynecological cancers.

Breast Diseases

We are providing comprehensive care under a single roof. The Hospital delivers a full range of holistic health-based breast health services. Our goal is to promote the early detection of breast cancer in women through screening mammography, to offer excellent multidisciplinary treatment for breast cancer, and to make a difference in the results. Here we offer comprehensive assessment, prevention and screening, diagnostics, treatment – surgical, medical, reconstructive, counseling & rehabilitation, and cosmetology for all breast problems by an expert multidisciplinary team including an expert women's team.

Head and Neck Oncology Services

The Head and Neck Oncology Service at this Hospital has continuously aimed to be a leading voice in full multidisciplinary care. Tumors of the mouth, throat, voice box (larynx), and the accompanying tissues such as sinuses, salivary glands, and thyroid gland make up head and neck cancers. The department works in close collaboration with each speciality department. The treatment decision and monitoring are best handled by a multidisciplinary head and neck surgery team including radiation oncology, medical oncology, plastic & reconstructive surgery, and dental oncology rather than by a single doctor or a specialty.

Neuro-Oncology Services

An active neuro-oncology program under the Department of Neurosurgery has the facilities for the comprehensive management of all central nervous system and craniospinal neoplasms.

Gastrointestinal Oncology Services

The department works in close association with the Departments of Medical and Radiation Oncology. Management of cancers is handled based on protocols already in place. This close association between the departments allows the patients to get integrated care for their diseases.

Uro - Oncology

Uro-oncology, also known as urological oncology, is a specialized discipline of oncology that focuses on cancers of the urinary tract in both men and women, as well as tumors of the male reproductive organs. This discipline comprises the risk assessment, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care of patients with urological cancers.

Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery

Jeevan Jyoti Hospital is performing following cancer surgeries by Laparoscope:

  • Throat
  • Esophagus
  • Thyroid
  • Lung
  • Gallbladder
  • Kidney
  • Liver
Why Choose Us?

Comprehensive care under a single roof. The Hospital delivers a full range of holistic health-based cancer services. Availability of latest technology and Laparoscopic cancer Surgery.