

The department of urology deals with the management of urinary stone, cancer of the urinary tract and male genital tract, enlargement of the prostate gland, male infertility, urinary tract infection and urinary incontinence. With recent advances in science and technology, a number of surgical procedures in urology do not involve open surgery

Services offered

  • Endoscopic Surgery – no more surgery – cutting / opening
  • Obstructive Lesions of the Kidney
  • Outlet Obstruction
  • Vascular access surgery for dialysis
  • BHP, Stricture, Posterior Urethral Valve
  • Female urology problems
  • SUI (Stress Urine Incontinence), Cystocoele
  • Infertility Management
  • Impotence Management
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • For Nephrectomy, Renal Cyst
  • For Cancer surgery of Urogenital system
  • Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty for hydronephrosis
  • Undescended testes (Lap Orcheopexy)
  • Total Cystectomy
  • Other congenital anomalies like hypospadias, ectopic ureter, ectopia vesicae etc
  • Emergency urology services/ varieties of urinary fistula

All aspects of Endourology (surgery through a telescope, which does not require open procedures) including treatment of prostate (TURP), bladder cancers (TURBT), urethral strictures, kidney and ureteric stones (PCNL & URS) are available.


Why Tele-Medicine?

A painless OPD procedure of treating kidney and urinary tract stones without surgery using one of the best machines available for the purpose. The positioning, focusing and delivery of shock waves are all controlled by advanced computerized system with safety cutoffs to prevent damage by human error.

Facts about Lithotripsy

Question: What is Lithotripsy?
Answer: It is the scientific and non-invasive procedure to disintegrate stones in Kidney, Ureter and Bladder without surgery.

Question: What is ESWL?
Answer: ESWL is short form of Extra Corporeal (outside the body) Stock Wave Lithotripsy (breaking up of stones). This procedure breaks up the stones in kidney and ureters without surgery into fine sand like particles which subsequently pass out with urine. This procedure is being widely and successfully used in U.S.A., U.K., Germany and other European countries since 1980. It is considered to be the most superior, safe, modern and scientific procedure of removing stones and is approved by the health authorities all over the world. Over 50 lakh patients have already been treated by over 800 installations all over the world.

Question: What are the advantages of ESWL over open surgery?


  • No cutting, hence no long incisions and ugly scars.
  • No damage to kidney or other vital organs.
  • Internationally popular procedure.
  • Early resumption of normal activities.
  • Method of choice for treatment of recurrent stones as repeated surgery often results in kidney removal or damage.
  • No need for blood transfusion, avoids serious hazards e.g. hepatitis and AIDS.
  • Patients, unfit for surgery due to medical reasons, can be safely treated.
  • Unparallel safety-oldest patient treated was aged 90 years.

Question: What types of stones can be treated?
Answer: Single and multiple stones of various chemical compositions, size and shapes can now be disintegrated. Till recently major surgery with its risks was the only answer.

Question: Can recurrent stones be treated?
Answer: This is the procedure of choice for recurrent stones, as repeated surgery is often difficult, hazardous and sometimes results in removal of the kidney.

Question: What preparations are required for Lithotripsy?
Answer: Routine check-up and usual investigations are required (as advised by your physician / surgeon / urologist).

Question: What preparations are required for Lithotripsy?
Answer: Routine check-up and usual investigations are required (as advised by your physician / surgeon / urologist).

Question: How long does the treatment take and what is the duration of hospital stay?
Answer: Average sitting takes 30 – 40 minutes depending on the size and number of stones and usually no hospital stay is required.

Question: Weather elderly patients and patients suffering from other medical problems can be treated?
Answer: Patients ranging from infants to aged, as well as, those who are not fit for surgery, due to heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, respiratory disorders, kidney failure etc. can be treated safely by this procedure.

Question: What happens after the stone is fragmented?
Answer: The stone is fragmented into very fine particles. The patient is asked to drink plenty of fluids. The fragmented particles pass out with urine.

Question: What are the provisions for pre and post Lithotripsy follow up?
Answer: Adequate facilities for follow up are available at the centre.

Question: Who will impart the treatment?
Answer: The treatment will be carried out by a team of eminent Doctors, under direct supervision of qualified, trained Urologist. The cost of treatment various depending upon the size of stone and ancillary procedures required.

Question: Is it true that the stone are left behind or reform after lithotripsy treatment?
Answer: No, lithotripsy alone never causes stone reformation. Stone disease is known for recurrence, irrespective of the treatment modality.

Question: Is lithotripsy (ESWL), an answer to all stones?
Answer: Yes, Lithotripsy can break all stones. If any stone is retained we give complete clearance as a package without any charge.

Question: What are the chances of success of stone treatment by ESWL?
Answer: ESWL is the ideal treatment in carefully selected patient. However, there are 8 - 10% chances of the non fragmentation, because of the typical composition of stone. All these patients shall be declared as failure, after 3 sessions & they shall be offered either IPCN.L/ open surgery depending upon the situation.